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RFID can benefit your logistics business through a multitude of unexpected ways! RFID technology is increasingly becoming a favorite for the retail …

BENEFITS OF RFID TECHNOLOGY One of the best things for your firm is to become IT friendly. Today, some of the most …

SMARTRAC’S RFID SOLUTIONS ATTAINS NEW HEIGHTS Since its inception, RFID or Radio-frequency identification technology has revolutionized the practice of asset tracking for …

AN OUTLOOK ON THE RFID TECHNOLOGY As per the latest BCC research, many organisations are changing the way their business and strategies …

All around the world, every enterprise whether big or small, depends on important assets to drive their business wheel in the smoothest …

You certainly want to ensure that your liquefied gas tanks are used judiciously. That is because it is a crucial asset for …

Chemical & pharmaceutical industry, Refineries, Mining or Engineering solutions- no matter what industry it is, big or small, there is one common …

It is rightly said that we don’t use technology anymore; we live it. And to ensure that you live it right, you …

The cryogenic tanks had come to your rescue when the limitations of cylinders became frustrating. Small cylinders become costly to fill, manage …

Ever heard of the saying “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”? Logistics makes your journey from the origin to …

Are you tired of your customers complaining about wrong deliveries? Delivery of gas cylinders is a challenge for the gas suppliers. Since …

Earlier, the labor was double the result in any task, and now it’s the opposite. Technology is a boon to mankind. After …

The Present Scenario The ever increasing budgets, safety issues and emergency calls to the gas suppliers have made the environment of a …

As the money flow increases, and more and more individuals and companies expand their ownership of vehicles, the complexities and conflicts of …

In the time of globalization, the high demand of the industrial and medical gasses has put a severe pressure on the gas …

Monitoring and management of gas levels for a company is not only crucial for safeguarding the environment and the people around it …

Cryogenic gases are used in almost every industry all around the world. From chemistry to biotechnology, aeronautics, food production, aerospace, medicine, as …

Gas plays a central role in supplying and exporting energy from Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam. Various Southeast Asia’s gas production …

Introduction As the focus shifts from volume to value, the gas supply companies are bound first to increase the efficiency of safe …

The present situation and the need of the hour Ruffled by global economic turbulence, uncontrollable competition, bewildering complexities, disturbed time management and …

The ever changing gas industry comes across new frontiers of production that augments the scale, risk and complexity of projects. Shortage of …

As the curve of the population has moved higher, the number of industries has taken an upsurge, and these various industries demand …

The world today is experiencing unpredictable upheavals in the prices of oil and gas, making controlling and monitoring of gas cylinders even …

You must be a proud startup or an enterprise dwelling since a decade or two in the gas industry. But ever wondered …

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Remotely Monitor Cryogenic
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Asset Tracking
cylinder being transported
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If you name your cylinder, you can tame your cylinder
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Data Acquisition
Weak link in data acquisition
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SOS Survival Guide
Go Caution Stop
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Essential Elements
Oxygen cylinder
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