
RFID Technology for Long Term Benefits

Often, the short-term impact of new technologies is overestimated and the long-term impact is grossly underestimated by businesses. Driven by RFID mandates on the one hand and new, upcoming manufacturing processes for RFID tags on the other, the short term may well give way to the long term much sooner than anyone would have anticipated.

Corporations undoubtedly are being exposed to supply and demand pressure to embrace the technological and business process opportunities that now appear modest – supply chain enhancements, preventive maintenance, authenticated pill bottles. But these opportunities promise to expand in scope at an unimaginable pace with the right technology in place. What may now seem a tedious manual affair has the potential for absolute automatism once the implementation of RFID technology is in full swing.

In the long term, the virtuous circles formed by the linkage of RFID to other advancements in IT (especially the process integration abilities promised by web services and a service-oriented architecture) will spawn new applications that have not even begun to percolate in their inventors’ minds. Thus prudent business owners today consider RFID to be a long term investment, duly overlooking its short term impact.

If there is one thing, though, that research has made clear, it is that only those RFID applications designed with the consumer firmly in mind will survive. These are applications that drive value for consumers while continually reassuring them that this value absolutely outweighs any concerns. The long term success of RFID based applications undoubtedly depends on widespread adoption by consumers who are eager for the promised benefits.


Can you afford eyeballing safety?

The majority of companies use the eyeballing method to check for cylinder test due dates before filling. Most cylinders have no marking of the cylinder test due date after the initial testing. Almost 99 times of 100, employees do not have the time to eyeball the test date, and often there is nothing to eyeball.

You are taking a very big risk for yourself, your employees, and your customers. Eyeballing leaves you one step away from mishap!

There are things that can’t be compromised

Safety! A Pledge – A Promise – No Two ways about it

Considering a low price cylinder management Solution?
But not at any price. As we see it, there’s no other way.

Trakaid cylinder tracking solution has built in auto checking of the cylinder’s test due date at multiple steps in the operational cycle. It leaves no option for the operator but to put the cylinder aside for testing.

For more information visit and for detailed solution features go to

Enterprises across the globe are employing radio frequency identification (RFID) to cut costs, enhance visibility, improve asset-utilization rates, streamline business processes, improve inventory accuracy and achieve many other benefits

This summer we’re offering a virtual heat wave savings of up to 20% off instantly on Trakaid Cylinder Tracking Professional or Enterprise edition.


Money growing on trees for Industrial Gas Companies

“It’s a cylinder business and not a gas business”. The ratio of cylinder cost to gas cost is 75:1. Gas cylinders are not only expensive moveable assets to the company but are also inventory items critical to the business.

Getting back your cylinders in time, utilize the cylinder assets optimally, and to know with certainty where your cylinders are, can make or break your business.

Trakaid CyTRACK Cylinder Tracking Solution has built in robust processes and controls based on industry practice. The multiple versions offer reasonably priced solution as per your needs. The Information Governance controls help you trust your data.

*Including cylinders that are due for more than one year and are normally never recovered.
**Price of cylinder including taxes, transport, insurance, creating master, marking, and valve fitting

The solution adds to your bottom line from day one by improving data accuracy and virtually eliminating cylinder loss. It does this by using in-built controls

1. User on the production floor may not create a new cylinder number or alter the gas type of existing cylinder.

2. Each cylinder has a unique RFID tag that cannot be duplicated. When the tag is read, the cylinder is present. It cannot be faked.

3. When the cylinder is dropped at the customer, the delivery person reads the cylinder tag, to eliminate the challenges of mixed load delivery. You and customer are guaranteed that the cylinder number was delivered or picked up.

4. Solution helps you to stop the cylinder loss and at the same time helps you tune your demurrage policies to make them work for you.

5. Reduce costs through process improvement and reduction in data entry time and eliminate errors by utilizing the built in validations

6. Built in report to track the cylinders due for return.

TSP with its expert team with in-depth cylinder industry experience has been successfully working with companies of all sizes. TSP assures a quick Total Return on Investment (ROI) – from 3 to 9 months.

TSP assured solutions can be found at, the different solutions are based on the size of company. You can read more about us at

Please feel free to contact us for any questions that you may have.


Which Business are you in?

“We are spending Rs 10 lakhs per year in managing our in-house software solution. We will love to talk to you in detail.”

“We bought software for Rs 40,000. We keep on calling the vendor for support but does not come when we want.”

“It is very difficult to implement the system as I do not know the present status of our cylinders.”

“We implemented one solution and it did not work out. Now we have bought another solution. Let us hope it works. ”

“We implemented one solution and it did not work out. Now we have bought another solution. Let us hope it works. ”

“My friend has a full time job and helps us in the evening to develop the system. I am supporting the system and we have spent four years in development.”

“Our Filler eye balls the cylinder and ensures that the test due cylinder is kept aside for testing.”

“We have kept aside a budget of Rs 4 lakhs every year for lost cylinder account.”

“We are having a lot of pain in managing our cylinders and we have a very old system for which we cannot find support.”

“There are no controls in our system. Forget information governance. The data entry person can do what they want.”

“I want to find out where my cylinders are in the plant and at customer site. Can RFID do this?”

“It’s a cylinder business and not a gas business”. The ratio of cylinder cost to gas cost is 75:1. Gas cylinders are not only expensive moveable assets to the company but are also inventory items critical to the business. Achieving efficiencies in cylinder rotation is of paramount importance.

Trakaid CyTrack cylinder tracking solution has built in robust processes and controls based on industry practice that help you in streamlining and managing your production, receipt, delivery, billing, testing, and cylinder service. The Information Governance controls help you trust your data. Stopping back dating, posting with double confirmation with no change, and keeping audit track of important information change.

We have a team of 6 people to support the solution who have domain experience and in-depth knowledge of solution and software. We offer offsite support through phone, email, and by connecting remotely to your solution through broadband internet connection. You may opt for single incidence support, quarterly or annual support.

We recommend implementing the solution in two phases – First and foremost is implementing Trakaid CyTrack software solution that tracks the cylinder by its number. The solution helps in entering the right cylinder number by validating and assisting the user. In phase two you may adopt optional RFID tag and readers to automate reading, writing, and entering data into the system giving you 100 percent accuracy.

CyTrack helps in improving data accuracy, virtually eliminating cylinder loss, and provides
comprehensive reporting to manage your business with minimum efforts.

1. Solution focus is “Rotation! Rotation! Rotation! Rotation!” to expand your bottom lline
2. Industry standard processes for cylinder tracking, billing, servicing, testing, and with
information governance built in that does not allow back dating
3. Built using latest Microsoft mobile, web, and database technology
4. Reduce costs through process improvement, reduction in data entry time, and eliminate
errors by utilizing numerous built in validations
5.Export of data allows you to interface with your existing accounting package
6. More than 55 built-in reports to manage your business based on data you can trust


Do you still play musical chairs at the receiving dock?

Victor Hugo, a French playwright, once said “there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come”. In the case of the CyTrack Cylinder Tracking System, the idea of a single intake screen has not only arrived – it has been proven to be a big time saver in actual use.

When you get a delivery with multi-party cylinder returns, you should consider cost savings and operational improvements available using a single intake screen. For example, you do not have to separate the cylinder return from each party into separate physical lots, and then compare the cylinders against the party gate pass, and issue an inward delivery receipt.

Using our single intake screen the user enters the cylinder number as it is offloaded from the truck. At the same time, the system lets you mark the cylinder for physical damage and shows you if the cylinder has a test due. The CyTrack system knows who the cylinder was issued to and the system creates multiple receipt jobs for you. The user may then go to each job, confirm and post the job. If you have marked the cylinder for service or test, the system creates a service job for you.

CyTrack cylinder tracking system has all of these capabilities and more. Over the span of four years, CyTrack has introduced dozens of best practices from customer feedback.

CyTrack cylinder tracking system has all of these capabilities and more. Over the span of four years, CyTrack has introduced dozens of best practices from customer feedback.

Give us a call. We’ll show you how to do more with less. Contact us to schedule a comprehensive presentation and find out how Cytrack integrated cylinder tracking can improve your bottom line.

PHONE: +91-40-27422472/3, +91-8010612868, +1-(203) 925-8388 EMAIL: WEBSITE:
Vija Consultants Pvt. Ltd., #2-2-18/18/4/9, Indraprastha Colony, DD Colony, Hyderabad-500013, India. Technology Solution Partners LLC, Shelton Pointe, Suite 401, 2 Trap Falls Road, Shelton, CT 06484-4665, USA.